Payment Assistance
Our commitment to you
At SPN Co we understand that there are times when you may have trouble paying your bills for a variety of reasons. This may be short or long-term. If you are experiencing financial hardship for any reason, and you would like to access support to pay your bills, you can apply for financial hardship assistance free of charge. We are committed to helping any customer facing financial hardship to retain their internet / phone access and working with them to find a sustainable solution. Disconnection of services will only be used as a measure of last resort. We provide payment plans or other options for support, depending on your circumstances. You can find our full payment assistance policy at the bottom of this page.
Financial hardship can come in all shapes and sizes
We understand that financial hardship can affect anyone and can often be a difficult time to navigate. If you’re unable to keep up with your payments to SPN Co due to any of the following reasons, you may be experiencing financial hardship:
- Loss of employment
- Low or insufficient income, including reduced access to income
- Impact from domestic or family violence
- A death in the family
- Illness or injury
- A change in circumstances
- A natural disaster

How can we help?
Depending on your circumstances we can offer you a range of options to help, all you need to do is give us a call on 1300 677 626 or email us at and we’ll help you chose the best option for your needs. Some options we may be able to offer you are:
Spend Controls
Service Restrictions
Temporary Plan Downgrades (At No Cost)
More Time To Pay Your Bill
Payment Plans
Waiving Of Any Late Fees
Assistance engaging a financial counsellor
You can talk to a financial counsellor via 1800 007 007 (National Debt Helpline). This number will put you in touch with the service closest to you. You can also find the financial counselling service nearest to you by visiting: For small business support you can contact the Small Business Debt Hotline on 1800 413 828 or visit
Complaints Handling Process
If you wish to review the outcome of a financial hardship assessment, you can do so via our Complaints Handling Process.
You can make a complaint to us by:
- Phoning us on 1300 677 626
- Emailing us at
Please ensure you provide us with the following information for your complaint: –
- Full Name
- Contact Phone Number
- SPN Co Account Number (if applicable)
- Details of your complaint
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint after following our dispute resolution process, you can contact the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) for independent mediation. The TIO can be contacted by phoning 1800 062 058 or visiting their website Making a complaint to the TIO does not prevent you from receiving financial hardship assistance from SPN.
SPN Co Payment Assistance Form
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